Book Lists

Book Lists overview

Book Lists provide an explorable and visually appealing to view any book or media recommendation lists to patrons.

Patron features:
* Grouping: Lists by age group, interests, events, etc.
* Interactive: Shows book covers and flips to description.
* Ties to Content: Can link to catalog or ebook vendor or online location.

Admin features:
* ISBN: ISBN lookup for quick lookup

Integration features:
* Appears on any page via page editor element by site tags
* Appears on kids / teens pages via audience tags
* Appears on pathfinder pages via subject tags

Front-end location

On the front-end book lists will generally appear on the home page but they can also appear on whatever page path you desire.

Image of the dropdown to set the front-end location

By using the page path dropdown as seen above you will be able to set what page this content will appear on in the front-end.

Available In: New Record and Edit Record

Adding books to the book list

After selecting an existing published or draft book list, or after creating a new list, choose the book list you want to add to and click '+ New Record.'

Image of the button to create a new record

Changing the name of a book list

Whenever the title of a book list changes, it is essential to regenerate the slug to match the new title. This ensures the URL aligns with the book list's name, preventing any potential confusion for users.

Image of the input box to set the name of a book list

Available In: New Record and Edit Record

The three book list status option

Book Lists can be managed in three ways: it can either be published, which will display it on the frontend; saved as a draft, meaning it will not be visible on the frontend yet; or retired if the Book List is no longer needed on the front end.

Image of the dropdown to set a book list as either published or draft

Available In: New Record and Edit Record

Adding tags

Ensure all book lists have the appropriate tags associated with the content to ensure users have an easier time finding/filtering through the content.

Image of the tags that can be assigned to a book list

Note: Make sure to set tags for both audience and subject as they are seperate tags.

Available In: New Record and Edit Record

Setting the page path

Setting the page path determines which page the booklist will be featured on the front end

Image of the dropdown to set the page path for where the book list will appear on the front-end

Sorting and layouts

Clicking the settings cogwheel on the left-hand side provides options for sorting book lists by group, searching, filtering, and changing the layout.

Image of the side panel to change how the editor content is layed out

Saving this page as a shortcut

If this is a frequently visited page, consider adding it as a shortcut.

Image of the account dropdown where the option to create a page shortcut

To add a shortcut, click on the account menu in the top right and select 'Create a Shortcut'.

Still have questions?

If the help notes don't address your question or use case, feel free to ask by opening an issue ticket.