
Spaces overview

This is where you can create, view, and edit any spaces the library has available. Review the rest of the help notes to see all of the available features.

Front-end location

If your library has spaces configured, you can find their page in the top navigation bar, as well as in their own dedicated section on the homepage. Alternatively, you can use the search bar to locate them.

Note: Spaces may also appear in the sidebar or other locations, depending on the site's configuration.

Adding a space

To create a space select 'add new record' or if you wish to edit an existing space just click on the corresponding card.

Image showcasing a gallery view of four different available spaces

Space policies

From the editor, you can either upload a PDF of the space's policy or type the policy directly into the textbox.

Image of the upload section in the editor to add a PDF of a libraries policies.

Adding tags to spaces

Ensure that each space has the appropriate tags associated with it. This ensures that the space can be easily and correctly located when users filter content.

Image of the  available tags for a space

Note: Make sure to tag each option as they all are seperate filters.

Available in: New Record and Edit Record.

Short location

The short location is a very brief description of where a space can be located in the library.

Image showing an example of the short location input box

Need to add reservations?

If your library needs to start accepting reservations visit 'Plans & Features' to add them to your libraries plan.

Saving this page as a shortcut

If this is a frequently visited page, consider adding it as a shortcut.

Image of the account dropdown where the option to set a page shortcut lives

To add a shortcut, click on the account menu in the top right and select 'Create a Shortcut'.