Space Reservations

Space Reservations overview

Here is where any reservations related to a space can be managed and viewed.

Front-end location

If your library has spaces configured, you can easily locate them in the top navigation bar, and they will have their own section on the homepage. Additionally, you can find spaces using the search function.

Once on the spaces page, click on any of the space images to open an information screen where you can make a reservation. You can also access reservations using the search bar located in the top right of the navigation bar.

Canceling a reservation

Begin by clicking the dropdown icon (down arrow) and locate the date of the event. After finding the event, check the start and end time fields to access the option to cancel it.

Example of the dropdown menu showing a timeline of all space reservations

Sending out an email to reservation holders

Another feature within the same dropdown allows for sending a message to reservation holders. Selecting 'Email' will open a window where a message can be composed and sent.


Creating a new reservation

New reservations can be created by selecting '+ new record' when hovering over any of the calendar tiles.


Reservation Statistics

Located in the bottom dropdown you can view the statistics of different spaces, branches and purposes including unique visitors, bookings, hours reserved, usage, and the average duration of a booking.


Quick approve

Clicking on an event from the backend will give you this pop-up to approve the reservation. If you choose to send out an email the screen to type the message will appear after clicking approve.

Examples of quick approval choices including creating a private event and sending a notification email

Saving this page as a shortcut

If this is a frequently visited page, consider adding it as a shortcut.

To add a shortcut, click on the account menu in the top right and select 'Create a Shortcut'.

Still have questions?

If the help notes don't address your question or use case, feel free to ask by opening an issue ticket.