Tags & Subjects

Tags & Subjects overview

Tags & Subjects is where all information related to site tags and subjects are managed. Features include creating tags, assigning tags to content, and to overall help content be more discoverable.

Features for patrons

Patrons will have access to:
* Used In: Blog posts, events, booklists, databases, etc. are represented by audience or subject tags on any page

Features for admins

Admins will have access to:
* Tag Content: Tag any blog post, event, booklist, etc. with audience, subject or other tag types.
* No Limits: Create any number of tags.
* Pathfinder Designation: Elect any site tag to be a pathfinder page.

Front-end location

Any time you filter/search through content it will be done using tags/subjects.

For example if you use the search bar for 'adults' any blog posts, event, or other type of content with the matching tag will appear.


Integrations define how features provided within Tags & Subjects can cohesively blend into other site features.

Integration features:
Connecting Content: Ties blog posts, events, book lists, etc. to audiences
Pathfinders: Connect subject tags to pathfinders.

Subjects vs tags

Subjects are broad categories that organize content into main themes, like 'Audience' or 'Resources.'

Tags are specific keywords that provide more detail and help connect related content within those categories.

Audience subject box with various tags within it

In this example 'Audience' is the subject and the tags are 'kids, teens, tweens, adults, etc.'

Moving tags by dragging

To assign or move tags to a new subject, click on the six small circles and drag them to the desired location.

Demonstration of how tags can be clicked and dragged  to change their locations

Sorting and layouts

Clicking the settings cogwheel on the left-hand side provides options for sorting the list of tags & subjects in multiple ways including searching, filtering, and grouping.

Demonstration of the various ways content can be sorted and grouped

Assigning tags to content

Tags can be assigned to various forms of content by either selecting an existing tag or creating a new one. From the right panel, these tags can then be applied by checking on the desired content to be tagged.

Two tags selected for the subject of blogs.

Available in: New Record and Edit Record.

Updating the slug

Whenever the name of a slug is updated, ensure to click 'Regenerate' to reflect the change in the slug. This ensures users will know exactly where they are.

Available in: New Record and Edit Record.

Can I create a new subject

No, currently new subjects cannot be created or deleted—only tags can be created and deleted

Saving this page as a shortcut

If this is a frequently visited page, consider adding it as a shortcut.

Image of the account dropdown where the option to create a page shortcut

To add a shortcut, click on the account menu in the top right and select 'Create a Shortcut'.

Still have questions?

If the help notes don't address your question or use case, feel free to ask by opening an issue ticket.